Determining how many messages are on the Azure Service Bus Queue

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-28 08:58:56
var nsmgr = Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
long count = nsmgr.GetQueue(queueName).MessageCount;

It is called MessagesCountDetails.ActiveMessageCount. It returns the number of the Active Messages in the Queue. You probably have some Dead letter messages:

var msg = Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(Settings.Default.ConnectionString);
numofmessages.Text = msg.GetQueue(QueueName).MessageCountDetails.ActiveMessageCount.ToString();

have you looked at the Queue Description API? There's a property called MessageCount.

Here's the .NET SDK reference documentation page as well.

Justin Baird

I ran into this same problem trying to get the count from the dead letter queue. It looks like the deadletterqueue doesn't allow you to get a count directly, you get it from the MessageCountDetails of the normal Queue.

string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Microsoft.ServiceBus.Connstr"].ToString();
NamespaceManager nsmgr = Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
return nsmgr.GetQueue(QueueName).MessageCountDetails.DeadLetterMessageCount;

Here's a PowerShell example to continually eyeball the queue length as used in Azure Portal Cloud Shell

cd "Azure:\<MySubscription>\"
while (1) {(Get-AzureRmServiceBusQueue -ResourceGroup <myRG> -NamespaceName <myNS> -QueueName <myQueueName>).CountDetails | Select -expand ActiveMessageCount} can check the pending messages on Azure Management Portal...on the dashboard for service bus queue...under quick can see the queue length...this is the number of current/pending messages in length at the time of dashboard page load.
