WPF CollectionViewSource Multiple Views?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-11-28 08:20:51

In situations like this you would generally want to create a separate ICollectionView instance for each differently filtered usage of the collection. It's not a good idea to use a specific implementation of ICollectionView since it's possible for the CollectionView type needed to change if the ItemsSource is bound to a different type of collection. Using

 ICollectionView filteredView = new CollectionViewSource { Source=newValue }.View;

will give you an ICollectionView that's the correct type automatically.

Unfortunately, what you may find in this case is that it is very difficult to apply a different collection to the ItemsPresenter of your custom control since all of that magic is done for you by the base ItemsControl class and relies on the ItemsSource/Items properties which it manages. This happens when using something similar to ItemsControl's default template.

If you are in fact using a separate ListBox control (and TemplateBinding all the ItemsSource properties if you need them) inside your ControlTemplate then you should be able to simply add a new ICollectionView DP (I'd recommend read-only) on your control to hold your filtered version of the collection and bind the template ListBox's ItemsSource to that new property.

Steve Greatrex

The problem there is that CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(object) will always return the same ICollectionView instance for a given source, and this is what any ItemsControl extension will use when displaying that source.

You can get around this by creating a new instance of ICollectionView to be used by each control that you want to be able to independently filter the collection, and then explicitly binding the ItemsSource property of each control to that specific view. The type of ICollectionView needed would depend on your scenario, but ListCollectionView is generally appropriate.
