I have a question about the kkmeans
function in the kernlab
package of R. I am new to this package and please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious here.
I would like to assign a new data point to a cluster in a set of clusters that were created using kernel k-means with the function 'kkmeans'. With regular clustering, one would do this by calculating the Euclidian distance between the new data point and the cluster centroids, and choose the cluster with the closest centroid. In kernel k-means, one must do this in the feature space.
Take the example used in the kkmeans description:
sc <- kkmeans(as.matrix(iris[,-5]), centers=3)
Say that I have a new data point here, which I would like to assign to the closest cluster created above in sc
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
5.0 3.6 1.2 0.4
Any tips on how to do this? Your help is very appreciated.
Kernel K-means uses the Kernel function to calculate similarity of objects. In the simple k-means you loop through all centroids and select the one which minimizes the distance (under used metric) to the given data point. In case of kernel method (default kernel function in kkmeans
is radial basis function
), you simply loop through centroids and select the one that maximizes the kernel function value (in case of RBF) or minimizes the kernel induced distance (for any kernel). Detailed description of converting kernel to distance measure is provided here - in general distance induced by kernel K
can be calculated through d^2(a,b) = K(a,a)+K(b,b)-2K(a,b)
, but as in case of RBF, K(x,x)=1
for all x
, you can just maximize the K(a,b)
instead of minimizing the whole K(a,a)+K(b,b)-2K(a,b)
To get the kernel function from kkmeans
object you can use kernelf
> data(iris)
> sc <- kkmeans(as.matrix(iris[,-5]), centers=3)
> K = kernelf(sc)
So for your example
> c=centers(sc)
> x=c(5.0, 3.6, 1.2, 0.4)
> K(x,c[1,])
[1,] 1.303795e-11
> K(x,c[2,])
[1,] 8.038534e-06
> K(x,c[3,])
[1,] 0.8132268
> which.max( c( K(x,c[1,]), K(x,c[2,]), K(x,c[3,]) ) )
[1] 3
the closest centroid is c[3,]=5.032692 3.401923 1.598077 0.3115385
in the sense of used kernel function.