Let's say I want to write a simple Cocoa app to make the Spaces feature of Leopard more useful. I would like to configure each space to have, say, different
- screen resolutions
- keyboard layouts
- volume (for audio)
So there are two parts to my question:
- I suppose there are ways to modify these three things independently of Spaces, right? If so, how?
- How can I detect in my app when a space change occurs, and when that happens, determine what space the user just switched to? Does Leopard send out some distributed notifications or something?
Update: There has to be some public API way of doing this, judging from all the Spaces-related apps on the Mac App Store.
As Peter says, in 10.6 you can use the NSWorkSpace
to get a notification when the workspace changes.
You can then determine the current space using Quartz API, the kCGWindowWorkspace
dictionary key holds the workspace.
int currentSpace;
// get an array of all the windows in the current Space
CFArrayRef windowsInSpace = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionAll | kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID);
// now loop over the array looking for a window with the kCGWindowWorkspace key
for (NSMutableDictionary *thisWindow in (NSArray *)windowsInSpace)
if ([thisWindow objectForKey:(id)kCGWindowWorkspace])
currentSpace = [thisWindow objectForKey(id)kCGWindowWorkspace] intValue];
Alternatively you can get the Space using the private API, take a look at CGSPrivate.h which allows you to do this:
int currentSpace = 0;
CGSGetWorkspace(_CGSDefaultConnection(), ¤tSpace);
To change the screen resolution you'll want to look at Quartz services, for altering the volume this may be helpful.
NSWorkspace posts a NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification
on its own notification center, but only on Snow Leopard.