I have the following code in my action:
ViewBag.AccountId = new SelectList(_reference.Get("01")
.OrderBy(o => o.Order), "RowKey", "Value", "00");
and in my view:
@Html.DropDownList("AccountID", null, new { id = "AccountID" })
Now I would like to create the list dynamically so in my action I would just like to hardcode a simple SelectList with the values: 00 and "" so that when I go to my view I see just a blank select box.
Can someone explain how I can do this in C#.
In your controller:
var references = _reference.Get("01").AsEnumerable().OrderBy(o => o.Order);
List<SelectListItem> items = references.Select(r =>
new SelectListItem()
Value = r.RowKey,
Text = r.Value
var emptyItem = new SelectListItem(){
Value = "",
Text = "00"
// Adds the empty item at the top of the list
items.Insert(0, emptyItem);
ViewBag.AccountIdList = new SelectList(items);
In your view:
@Html.DropDownList("AccountID", ViewBag.AccountIdList)
Note, no need to add new { id = "AccountId" }
since MVC will give the control that ID anyway.
If you only need an empty drop down list why are you creating a select list that isn't empty in your controller?
Anyway, here's what you can do (the view code remains the same):
List<SelectListItem> items = new List<SelectListItem>();
var emptyItem = new SelectListItem(){
Value = "",
Text = "00"
ViewBag.AccountIdList = new SelectList(items);