public static void main(String [] args){
Properties config = new Properties();
config.put(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSRAP._SERVERS_CONFIG, "mybroker.ip.address:9092");
AdminClient admin = AdminClient.create(config);
ListTopicsResult ltr = admin.listTopics().names().get();
I am catching an ExecutionException with the error messages: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Call(callName:listTopics, deadlineMs=1599813311360, tries=1, nextAllowedTryMs=-9223372034707292162) timed out at 9223372036854775807 after 1 attempt(s)
StackTrace points to the class KafkaFutureImpl in wrapAndThrow.
I can't really paste the entire error since I am writing all of this through my mobile phone.
I am using Kafka Clients 2.6.0, JDK 1.8.0_191
this is very weird since the timeout happens instantly, and I have also tried passing arguments into get(time, timeunit) and I am getting the same result.
EDIT: I was missing some dependencies in the POM. That resolved the issue.