I save my file to the SharePoint folder(onedrive sync) using the following VBA code. Off late for some reasons not known to me the SharePoint properties are not displayed
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fileName:=spath & e
wherein spath is the SharePoint path and e is the filename.
However, if a file is saved manually to the same folder then the properties appear.
any help is appreciated
For better understanding here is a screenshot of my query
If you cannot save the file directly to SharePoint, then you can try a workaround - save the book on a local disk (for example, in the Temp directory) and copy this file along a path known to you, connecting it as a disk on your computer. After that, the temporary file can be deleted (or left for some time as a safety net) and the disk can be disconnected. Something like this:
Sub storeToSharePoint(ByVal sPath As String, sFolderName As String, sFilename As String)
Dim FSO As Object, NW As Object, sTempPath As String, ToPath As String, newFileName As String, sDrive As String
Rem First store ActiveWorkbook to Temp with name sFilename
sTempPath = Environ("Temp")
If Right(sTempPath, 1) <> Application.PathSeparator Then
sTempPath = sTempPath + Application.PathSeparator
End If
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sTempPath & sFilename
Rem And now - copy to SharePoint:
sDrive = AvailableDriveLetter() ' Try get drive-letter
If sDrive = vbNullString Then
Debug.Print "No free letter to connect network location - file '" _
& sFilename & "' will not be copied"
Set NW = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Call NW.MapNetworkDrive(sDrive, sPath)
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
ToPath = sDrive & "\" & sFolderName & "\" & sFilename
FSO.CopyFile Source:=sTempPath & sFilename, Destination:=ToPath
Call NW.RemoveNetworkDrive(sDrive)
Rem If need Kill temp-file
Rem FSO.DeleteFile sTempPath & sFilename
Set FSO = Nothing
Set NW = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Here sPath is your spath - root folder of your SharePoint site; sFolderName - path to folder in your SharePoint (You don't want to save all files to the root folder, you put them a little deeper, right?) and sFilename is your "e".
You also need the AvailableDriveLetter function. It is very simple, it many times published in the Internet without any unchanges (Google gives out more than three hundred thousand links). I'll put it here:
Function AvailableDriveLetter() As String
Dim i As Integer
AvailableDriveLetter = vbNullString
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For i = Asc("D") To Asc("Z")
If Not .DriveExists(Chr(i)) Then
AvailableDriveLetter = Chr(i) & ":"
Exit For
End If
End With
End Function