Troubleshooting SPARQL rCurl queries in R

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-20 02:35:27


I'm doing a sparql query against an authenticated endpoint in R using the SPARQL library. The same query/endpoint/user works using the rrdf package. Unfortuantely, once I get the query working, I need to process the data in R and update the graph with the answers, which rrdf can't do.

Setting up a few variables first, the below query works using rrdf: sparql.remote(myEndpoint,myQuery,'rowvar',myUsername,myUserpwd)

Using SPARQL, this does not work: SPARQL(myEndpoint,myQuery,curl_args=c('username'=myUsername,'userpwd'=myUserpwd))

The error is Error: XML content does not seem to be XML: '' which I think means no document is coming back.

So, any tips on how to debug the curl call underneath all this?


And the solution in this case was that the username parameter is not used in curl. The correct call is: SPARQL(myEndpoint,myQuery,curl_args=c('userpwd'=paste(myUsername,':',myUserpwd,sep='')))

Actually debugging it was done via calls to getURL from RCurl against the basic endpoint until I got something that worked. getURL(url=endpoint,userpwd="testusername:testpassword",verbose=TRUE)

Hope this helps someone.

