python.dataScience is “Unknown Configuration Setting” in VS Code

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-02-19 23:08:05


I am running VS Code (Version 1.52) with extensions Jupyter Notebook (2020.12) and Python (2020.12) on MacOS Catalina.


I have problems getting Intellisense to work properly in my Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code. Some have had some success with adding these config parameters to the global settings of VS Code:

"python.dataScience.runStartupCommands": [
    "%config IPCompleter.greedy=True",
    "%config IPCompleter.use_jedi = False"

I went ahead and added those as well but then had to realize that all settings under python.dataScience are Unknown Configuration Setting. Any idea why this is and how I could this get to work?


Since Nov 2020 the Jupyter extension is seperated from Python extension for VS Code. The setting key has been renamed from python.dataScience to jupyter^update

So in your case please rename python.dataScience.runStartupCommands to jupyter.runStartupCommands


According to your description, you could refer to the following:

  1. Whether in the ".py" file or the ".ipynb" file, we can use the shortcut key "Ctrl+space" to open the code suggested options:

  2. It is recommended that you use the extension "Pylance", which provides outstanding language services for Python in VSCode, and related content will also be displayed in the Jupyter file:

Combine these two methods:

For setting "python.dataScience.runStartupCommands", as it shows "Unknown Configuration Setting", now we don't use it to set Jupyter's "Intellisense" in VSCode.

