Background Information
I have two .net services (say A and B). Service B uses a service reference of Service A. Here, 'basicHttpBinding' is being used.
There is a global.asax.cs present in Service A where I plan to perform some operations before the call is sent to Service A.svc.cs
I'm able to read request body in global.asax.cs using the following code.
StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream);
streamReader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
string message = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
The 'message' string variable holds the request body i.e. payload in xml format. I'm able to read the xml using the following code.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
The xml looks like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<FunctionName xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
<sampleObject xmlns:a="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/contract" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
Is there any way to convert this xml to json? I'm only interested in the data inside in the xml.
Bonus Question
What does 'a:' in 'a:sampleProperty' mean / stand for?
Desired Output
The final json should like this
"sampleString": "value",
"sampleObject": {
"sampleProperty1": "value1",
"sampleProperty2": "value2"
Things that I have tried
I have tried removing top parent nodes and their attributes using code. Then, I used to JsonConvert to convert xml to json
JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0], Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None, true);
Doing this only helped me partially and I ended with the following json output
"sampleString": "value",
"sampleObject": {
"a:sampleProperty1": "value1",
"a:sampleProperty2": "value2"
See the accepted answer here to remove the namespaces from the XML, Define a method RemoveAllNamespaces and change the code like below -
XElement xmlDocumentWithoutNs = RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement.Parse(message));
var xmlWithoutNs = xmlDocumentWithoutNs.ToString();
<sampleString> value </sampleString>
<sampleProperty1> value1 </sampleProperty1>
<sampleProperty2> value2 </sampleProperty2>
var json =JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0], Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None, true);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
"sampleString":" value ",
"sampleProperty1":" value1 ",
"sampleProperty2":" value2 "
To answer your question -
What does 'a:' in 'a:sampleProperty' mean / stand for?
A colon (:)
in a tag or attribute name means that the element or attribute is in an XML namespace
.The colon
, and the part before it, aren't really part of the tag / attribute name, they just indicate which namespace it's in.
Discussions here