how to add attribute for all subnodes of the xml in sql

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-19 08:39:22


I have a xml like below in a variable @xml

  <Tab Title="Lesson">
    <Section Title="Lesson Opening" />
    <Section Title="Lesson/Activity" />
  <Tab Title="Wrap Up and Assessment">
    <Section Title="Lesson Closing" />
    <Section Title="Tracking Progress/Daily Assessment" />
  <Tab Title="Differentiated Instruction">
    <Section Title="Strategies - Keyword" />
    <Section Title="Strategies – Text" />
    <Section Title="Resources" />
    <Section Title="Acceleration/Enrichment" />
  <Tab Title="District Resources">
    <Section Title="Related Content Items" />
    <Section Title="Other" />

I want to insert an attribute for all tab nodes in the above xml.. the output should be like below:

      <Tab Title="Lesson" PortletName="CommunitiesViewer">
        <Section Title="Lesson Opening" />
        <Section Title="Lesson/Activity" />
      <Tab Title="Wrap Up and Assessment" PortletName="CommunitiesViewer">
        <Section Title="Lesson Closing" />
        <Section Title="Tracking Progress/Daily Assessment" />
      <Tab Title="Differentiated Instruction" PortletName="CommunitiesViewer">
        <Section Title="Strategies - Keyword" />
        <Section Title="Strategies – Text" />
        <Section Title="Resources" />
        <Section Title="Acceleration/Enrichment" />
      <Tab Title="District Resources" PortletName="CommunitiesViewer">
        <Section Title="Related Content Items" />
        <Section Title="Other" />

i tried the following code to get the above xml

set @xml.modify( 'insert attribute PortletName {sql:variable("@PortletName")} into (ContentTemplate/Tab)[1]')

its just update the first sub node.

how to update all the sub nodes of the xml..

thanks in advance


Your XML in a variable

  <Tab Title="Lesson">
    <Section Title="Lesson Opening" />
    <Section Title="Lesson/Activity" />
  <Tab Title="Wrap Up and Assessment">
    <Section Title="Lesson Closing" />
    <Section Title="Tracking Progress/Daily Assessment" />
  <Tab Title="Differentiated Instruction">
    <Section Title="Strategies - Keyword" />
    <Section Title="Strategies – Text" />
    <Section Title="Resources" />
    <Section Title="Acceleration/Enrichment" />
  <Tab Title="District Resources">
    <Section Title="Related Content Items" />
    <Section Title="Other" />


The .modify()-statement allows you to change one decent point in your XML, but you'd need many calls to change many places. FLWOR allows you to re-build the XML out of itself:

SET @xml=@xml.query(
for $t in /ContentTemplate/Tab
   <Tab Title="{$t/@Title}" PortletName="CommunitiesViewer">


2) Rebuild with SELECT ... FOR XML PATH()

You'd reach the same with this approach: Again the XML is re-built, but this time it is shredded and used as a new SELECT ... FOR XML PATH

SELECT tb.value('@Title','nvarchar(max)') AS [@Title]
      ,'CommunitiesViewer' AS [@PortletName]
FROM @xml.nodes('/ContentTemplate/Tab') AS A(tb)
FOR XML PATH('Tab'),ROOT('ContentTemplate')

