I am using TFS Git API to programmatically read data from my Git repository.
I have the requirement that I need to be able to get a folder from the git repository and list all of the files in it and their last modified timestamp.
I am using the items api and I am able to get the items in a folder with this request:
For example:
GET https://dev.azure.com/fabrikam/_apis/git/repositories/278d5cd2-584d-4b63-824a-2ba458937249/items?scopePath=/MyWebSite/MyWebSite/Views&recursionLevel=Full&includeContentMetadata=true&api-version=5.1
This is able to get the item URLs, but has no way to include timestamps.
So I do not think this api will work.
Is there some other api that I need to call in order to get this information?
I don't see there is a REST API to return the timestamps. Instead, you can clone the repo to local, and use the following command to output the timestamps:
git log -1 --pretty="format:%ci" -- path
To output all files with timestamps, try the following script:
git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | while read filename; do
echo "$(git log -1 --format="%ci" -- $filename) $filename"
More examples, please check case https://serverfault.com/questions/401437/how-to-retrieve-the-last-modification-date-of-all-files-in-a-git-repository