I have found the following code on the WiseOwl website. I am trying to find a working example (to learn from) on how to enter a seach string into Googles search field. I keep getting a debug error 462 andf cant get past this. The line causing the problem is:
ieApp.Document.getElementById("gbqfqw").Value = "Excel VBA"
My total code is:
Sub FillInBBCSearchForm()
Dim ieApp As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
ieApp.Visible = True
'go to the website of interest
ieApp.Navigate "http://www.google.co.uk"
Do While ieApp.Busy
'wait for page to finish loading
Do While ieApp.Busy And Not ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
'fill in the search form
ieApp.Document.getElementById("gbqfqw").Value = "Excel" 'DEBUG ERROR HERE
'wait for page to finish loading
Do While ieApp.Busy And Not ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
End Sub
Any help is appreciated.
Instead of referring to an element by its ID, I usually loop through all elements on the page, and find it by its name. It runs a bit slower, but gets the job done.
Try the following:
Sub FillInBBCSearchForm()
Dim ieApp As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
'go to the website of interest
ieApp.Navigate "http://www.google.co.uk"
'wait for page to finish loading
Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
'it sometimes takes more than one wait loop for the page to load properly
Do While ieApp.Busy And Not ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
'find the required field
Set doc = ieApp.Document.getElementsByTagName("input")
For Each lnk In doc
If lnk.Name = "q" Then
'input search text
lnk.Value = "Excel VBA"
End If
Next lnk
ieApp.Visible = True
AppActivate ieApp.Document.Title
End Sub