I've been using freopen (from stdio.h) function before without asking myself this question. But now I'm unsure.
E.g. I've reopened stdout:
#define OUTPUT_FILE "out.txt"
if ( freopen(OUTPUT_FILE,"w+",stdout) == NULL)
printf("logout can't be opened\n");
Usually every process has and handles stdout, stderr, stdin automatically and we needn't care about closing of them.
But how is it to be here? I have reopened stdout.
Should I call fclose for closing reopened stdout?
I'd be gladder to look at part of code that does this handling than to hear that I can be just confident that everything is fine here.
Thanks in advance, for any tips.
works to close the redirect.
It is usually cleaner to close the filehandle. If a filepointer is open when a program exits, it will get closed for you.
But, if you just close the pointer, stdout will not get redirected to the terminal again.
freopen("re.txt", "w", stdout);
printf("this is redirected stdout");
printf("this not");
You can restore stdout to the terminal back again (and break redirects from command-line) with:
freopen("/dev/tty", "a", stdout);
You can use dup
( example ) to restore the previous pointer or don't use freopen at all, if you want to undo freopen ( http://c-faq.com/stdio/undofreopen.html ).