The https://start.vaadin.com page creates a new Vaadin Flow project for versions 18 or 19 (pre-release). But the resulting project requires Spring Boot.
I do not want Spring. I do not want Spring Boot. Both solve problems I do not have. Both add complications I do not want.
Is there a way to work with Vaadin 18 or 19 without Spring, with just plain Servlet technology?
Is there any Maven archetype available for Vaadin 18 or 19 but free of Spring & Spring Boot? Formerly, we had the Maven archetype vaadin-archetype-application. But that archetype works only for up to Vaadin 16. Fails for Vaadin 17 & 18.
As a workaround, is there some way to take Spring Boot based project generated on https://start.vaadin.com and then rip out all the Spring related parts? Or is that not viable?
Basically, this Question the same as this Question, Create a new Vaadin Flow 16/17 project using plain Java Servlets without Spring/CDI but for Vaadin 18/19 rather than 16/17.
The easiest way is to use Skeleton Starter for Vaadin as a base, using the v18 branch in this case.