Debugging Firebase functions locally (node.js)

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-02-19 05:34:20


see below my code is very listens to a change on a database field in realtime-database.

const functions = require("firebase-functions");
var admin = require("firebase-admin");

exports.onActiveUpdate = functions.database
  .onUpdate((change, context) => {
      //code here

    return true;

Ive tried to debug code locally with the following commands

firebase serve --only functions
firebase serve
firebase emulators:start

I always get the same message...

+  functions: Emulator started at http://localhost:5001
i  functions: Watching "C:\code\rn\xs\fb_functions\functions" for Cloud Functions...
i  functions[onActiveUpdate]: function ignored because the database emulator does not exist or is not running.
+  All emulators started, it is now safe to connect.

But then when I go to localhost:5001....all I see is a blank page with with {"status":"alive"} at the top.

Is this correct behavior? Thanks


You can use to debug your http firebase functions.

Install it locally or globally and run your normal serve command with ndb:

ndb yarn serve


According to the documentation, the command line for starting both the emulators for Cloud Functions and Realtime Database is this:

firebase emulators:start --only database,functions


I just tried firebase emulator suite and found it does enable node.js Inspector and hence support step-by-step local debug nicely.

Assuming all your modules are good for emulator so we can focus on enabling local debug.

I choose MS Code as my Inspector Client.

  • Execute firebase emulators:start and verify your function is working fine on local.
  • Go to MS Code Run/Debug screen, select "add a configuration..." and select "{}Node.js: Attach to process" to create a new .vscode/launch.json. You will see the debug configuration with name of "Attach by Process ID" is generated.
  • From MS Code Run/Debug screen, run this new "Attach by Process ID" debugger. You will be asked to choose a node process to attach the debugger.
  • You should see 2 "functionsEmulatorRuntime" processes among all other node.js processes (1 for the functionsEmulator itself and another 1 for your function code). Try pick each of them and check if the debugger is able to pause on your break point.


you can run the emulator in inspect mode by running :

firebase emulators:start --inspect-functions

see what port it is listening for debug client (e.g. port 9229 ). if you are using VSCode have launch.json inside .vscode subdir

"configurations": [
    {   "type": "node",
        "request": "attach",
        "name": "Debug",
        "port": 9229

} then simply click on Debug icon in your VScode to connect to running process. now put some break point in your functions code and invoke them through browser.

