I have the following (very simple) Hive query:
select user_id, event_id, min(time) as start, max(time) as end,
count(*) as total, count(interaction == 1) as clicks
from events_all
group by user_id, event_id;
The table has the following structure:
user_id event_id time interaction
Ex833Lli36nxTvGTA1Dv juCUv6EnkVundBHSBzQevw 1430481530295 0
Ex833Lli36nxTvGTA1Dv juCUv6EnkVundBHSBzQevw 1430481530295 1
n0w4uQhOuXymj5jLaCMQ G+Oj6J9Q1nI1tuosq2ZM/g 1430512179696 0
n0w4uQhOuXymj5jLaCMQ G+Oj6J9Q1nI1tuosq2ZM/g 1430512217124 0
n0w4uQhOuXymj5jLaCMQ mqf38Xd6CAQtuvuKc5NlWQ 1430512179696 1
I know for a fact that rows are sorted first by user_id
and then by event_id
The question is: is there a way to "hint" the Hive engine to optimize the query given that rows are sorted? The purpose of optimization is to avoid keeping all groups in memory since its only necessary to keep one group at a time.
Right now this query running in a 6-node 16 GB Hadoop cluster with roughly 300 GB of data takes about 30 minutes and uses most of the RAM, choking the system. I know that each group will be small, no more than 100 rows per (user_id, event_id)
tuple, so I think an optimized execution will probably have a very small memory footprint and also be faster (since there is no need to loopup group keys).
Create a bucketed sorted table. The optimizer will know it sorted from metadata. See example here (official docs): https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+DDL#LanguageManualDDL-BucketedSortedTables
Count only interaction = 1: count(case when interaction=1 then 1 end) as clicks
- case will mark all rows with 1 or null and count only 1s.