I think the linked function can only calculate the peak widths at a relative height. Does anyone know if there is a function that calculates the width at a fixed value (peak_amplitude - x) for all peaks?
Currently I am trying to change the original inner function "_peak_widths". Fail already with the cimport. Understand the source code here only partially. I added in the code where I would make a modification.
with nogil:
for p in range(peaks.shape[0]):
i_min = left_bases[p]
i_max = right_bases[p]
peak = peaks[p]
# Validate bounds and order
if not 0 <= i_min <= peak <= i_max < x.shape[0]:
with gil:
raise ValueError("prominence data is invalid for peak {}"
height = width_heights[p] = x[peak] - prominences[p] * rel_height
CHANGE HERE TO x[peak] - 3
# Find intersection point on left side
i = peak
while i_min < i and height < x[i]:
i -= 1
left_ip = <np.float64_t>i
if x[i] < height:
# Interpolate if true intersection height is between samples
left_ip += (height - x[i]) / (x[i + 1] - x[i])
# Find intersection point on right side
i = peak
while i < i_max and height < x[i]:
i += 1
right_ip = <np.float64_t>i
if x[i] < height:
# Interpolate if true intersection height is between samples
right_ip -= (height - x[i]) / (x[i - 1] - x[i])
widths[p] = right_ip - left_ip
if widths[p] == 0:
show_warning = True
left_ips[p] = left_ip
right_ips[p] = right_ip
In case this is still relevant to you, you can use scipy.signal.peak_widths "as is" to achieve what you want by passing in modified prominence_data
. Based on your own answer:
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks, peak_prominences, peak_widths
# Create sample data
x = np.linspace(0, 6 * np.pi, 1000)
x = np.sin(x) + 0.6 * np.sin(2.6 * x)
# Find peaks
peaks, _ = find_peaks(x)
prominences, left_bases, right_bases = peak_prominences(x, peaks)
As stated in peak_widths
's documentation the height at which the width is measured is calculated as
h_eval = h_peak - prominence * relative_height
We can control the latter two variables through the parameters prominence_data
and rel_height
. So instead of passing in the calculated prominence
which differs for each peak we can create an array where all values are the same and use that to create an absolute height:
# Create constant offset as a replacement for prominences
offset = np.ones_like(prominences)
# Calculate widths at x[peaks] - offset * rel_height
widths, h_eval, left_ips, right_ips = peak_widths(
x, peaks,
prominence_data=(offset, left_bases, right_bases)
# Check that h_eval is 1 everywhere
np.testing.assert_equal(x[peaks] - h_eval, 1)
# Visualize result
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(peaks, x[peaks], "x")
plt.hlines(h_eval, left_ips, right_ips, color="C2")
As you can see the width is evaluated for each peak at the same constant offset of 1. By using the original left_bases
and right_bases
as provided by peak_prominences
we are limiting the maximal measured width (e.g. see peaks at 299 and 533). If you want to remove that limitation you must create these arrays yourself.
I just removed the c content. Thats my solution:
def gauss(x, p): # p[0]==mean, p[1]==stdev
return 1.0/(p[1]*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))*np.exp(-(x-p[0])**2/(2*p[1]**2))
def _peak_widths(x,peaks,prop,val=3):
i_min = prop['left_bases']
i_max = prop['right_bases']
peak = peaks[0]
# Validate bounds and order
height = x[peak] - val
# Find intersection point on left side
i = peak
while i_min < i and height < x[i]:
i -= 1
left_ip = i
if x[i] < height:
# Interpolate if true intersection height is between samples
left_ip += (height - x[i]) / (x[i + 1] - x[i])
# Find intersection point on right side
i = peak
while i < i_max and height < x[i]:
i += 1
right_ip = i
if x[i] < height:
# Interpolate if true intersection height is between samples
right_ip -= (height - x[i]) / (x[i - 1] - x[i])
widths = right_ip - left_ip
left_ips = left_ip
right_ips = right_ip
return [height, widths, int(left_ips), int(right_ips)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create some sample data
known_param = np.array([2.0, 0.07])
xmin,xmax = -1.0, 5.0
N = 1000
X = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,N)
Y = gauss(X, known_param)
fig, ax= plt.subplots()
#find peaks
peaks, prop = signal.find_peaks(Y, prominence = 3.1)
ax.scatter(X[peaks],Y[peaks], color='r')
#calculate peak width
y, widths, x1, x2 = _peak_widths(Y,peaks, prop)
print(f'width = { X[x1] - X[x2]}')
l = mlines.Line2D([X[x1],X[x2]], [y,y], color='r')