Trying to use ts-nameof in Angular project via ts-patch

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-02-19 05:24:13


I'm using Angular 8.2 and installed ts-nameof 4.2.2 for my project and ts-patch 1.0.5 globally.

I ran ts-patch install and ts-patch check shows:

Checking TypeScript v3.5.3 installation in [...]
[+] tsc.js is patched with ts-patch version 1.0.5.
[+] tsserverlibrary.js is patched with ts-patch version 1.0.5.
[+] typescript.js is patched with ts-patch version 1.0.5.
[+] typescriptServices.js is patched with ts-patch version 1.0.5.

So I added the following from the ts-patch examples section to my tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
      { "transform": "ts-nameof", "type": "raw" }

and ran ng serve -o.

It's still complaining about Cannot find name 'nameof'..

I don't see any additonal steps listed, so what am I doing wrong?

