I'm trying to create a WebApp with vue-cli that uses AudioWorklets, but I'm getting a bunch of errors when trying to access any property of my AudioWorkletNode, like port or channelCount etc:
TypeError: Illegal invocation at MyWorkletNode.invokeGetter
After hours of googling and debugging I think it's somehow related to classes, AudioWorklet seems to only work with ES6 classes but one of vue-cli/babel/webpack does it's magic (which I don't understand where and what it does) and transpiles the classes away to regular constructor functions or something. Or maybe it's worklet-loader that does the transpilation? I don't know, I'm completely in the dark and have no idea where to look.
If I write the code without any bundlers, just vanilla JS, it works, I'm not getting any errors. But I need to use AudioWorklets in my vue project, so what are my options? Anything better than disabling class transpilation? If not, where and how can I disable it?
// main.js
import worklet from 'worklet-loader!./processor.js'
class MyWorkletNode extends AudioWorkletNode {
constructor(context) {
super(context, 'my-worklet-processor');
// Throws TypeError: Illegal invocation
this.audioCtx.audioWorklet.addModule(worklet).then(() => {
let node = new MyWorkletNode(this.audioCtx);
// Throws TypeError: Illegal invocation
node.port.onmessage = event => {
}).catch(e => console.log(`${e.name}: ${e.message}`));
// processor.js
class MyWorkletProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
constructor() {
process(inputs, outputs, parameters) {
// audio processing code here.
registerProcessor('my-worklet-processor', MyWorkletProcessor);
It's hard to tell whats wrong here without more code. The worklet parts look right.
But to answer the general question (for posterity), the processor has to be in a separate bundle loaded into it's own context. When you use worklet-loader, the import is really just a url.
import MyWorkletProceessor from 'worklet-loader!./path/MyWorkletProcessor'
I don't recommend using the inline loader though since it puts the artifact at the dist root by default which can cause deployment issues.
Here's a walkthrough of the basic setup.
// vue-config.js
configureWebpack: {
module: {
rules: [
test: /Worklet\.js$/, <---- change this to match your filename conventions
loader: 'worklet-loader',
options: {
name: 'js/[hash].worklet.js'
// somewhere in vue code
import MyWorkletProcessor from './path/MyWorkletProcessor'
import MyWorkletNode from './path/MyWorkletNode'
try {
await context.audioWorklet.addModule(MyWorkletProcessor)
myWorkletNode = new MyWorkletNode(context)
// or if no custom node
// myWorkletNode = new AudioWorkletNode(context, 'my-worklet-processor')
} catch (error) {
// ...
// connect the workletNode input to a source node
someSourceNode.connect(myWorkletNode )
// connect the worklet output to some other node or destination
// MyWorkletNode.js
export default class MyWorkletNode extends AudioWorkletNode {
constructor(context) {
super(context, 'my-worklet-processor')
// MyWorkletProcessor.js
class MyWorkletProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
constructor() {
process(inputs, outputs, parameters) {
// audio processing code here.
return true
registerProcessor('my-worklet-processor', MyWorkletProcessor)
I also made a related demo app that shows worklets running in vue.