I am using React Native and Node.js. I want to share code between the two. My folder structure is as so.
In the react native and node apps I have included the package.json
"dpendencies" : {
"myshared": "git+https://myrepository/ugoshared.git"
This can then be included in each project via require/import etc. This all works fine and for production I'm happy with it. (Though I'd love to know a better way?)
The issue I'm facing is in development it's really slow.
The steps for a change to populate are:
- Make changes in Shared
- Commit Changes to git
- Update the npm module
In development, I really want the same codebase to be used rather than this long update process. I tried the following:
- Adding a symlink in node_models/shared - doesn't work in react-native package mangaer
- Using relative paths ../../../shared - doesn't work in react-native package mangaer
Any other ideas?
Update 1
I created a script.sh which I run to copy the files into a local directory before the package manager starts. It's not ideal but at least I only have to restart the packager instead of messing with git etc.
rm -rf ./$MODULE
mkdir ./$MODULE
find $SOURCE -maxdepth 1 -name \*.js -exec cp -v {} "./$MODULE/" \;
# create the package.json
echo '{ "name": "'$MODULE'" }' > ./$MODULE/package.json
# start the packager
node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start
Then in my package.json I update the script to
"scripts": {
"start": "./start.sh",
So, the process is now.
- Make a change
- Start/Resetart the packager
- Automatic:
- Script copies all .js files under myshared/ -> myreactnativeapp/myshared/
- Script creates a package.json with the name of the module
Because I've added the package.json to the copied files with the name of the module, in my project I can just include the items the same as I would if the module was included via the package manager above. In theory when I switch to using the package in production I wont have to change anything.
Import MyModule from 'myshared/MyModule'
Update 2
My first idea got tiresome restarting the package manager all the time. Instead i created a small node script in the shared directory to watch for changes. Whenever there is a change it copies it to the react native working directory.
var watch = require('node-watch')
var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
let targetPath = '../reactnativeapp/myshared/'
watch('.', { recursive: false, filter: /\.js$/ }, function(evt, name) {
console.log('File changed: '+name+path.basename(__filename))
// don't copy this file
if(path.basename(__filename) === name) {
console.log(`Copying file: ${name} --> ${targetPath+name}`);
fs.copyFile(name, targetPath+name, err => {
if(err) {
console.log('Error:', err)
console.log(`Starting to watch: ${__dirname}. All files to be copied to: ${targetPath}`)