Fit parent height for Table in Material UI?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2021-02-18 19:31:04


I want the table height to fit the parent’s available height. Ideally, I want:

  • The footer to always be docked at the bottom of the parent container.

  • If the table contains a few rows, the footer should remain docked at the bottom.

  • If the table contains more rows than fit the parent’s height and needs to overflow then the overflow should be visible only for the table body, and the footer should remain docked at the bottom and not be pushed downwards.

  • A flexbox approach if possible (it seems to me that this is a flex scenario)

What I don’t want:

  • A height: 100vh approach

  • A calc (100vh - ***px) involved (because I want to use the methodology in arbitrary component hierarchies inside my solution)

  • Fixed heights in the table

  • To use absolute/fixed positioning

  • No 3rd party solutions (if possible)

  • To use .offsetHeight


Visual Examples:


Growing an item to take all available space but not exceeding the height of the parent could work like follows:

.parent {
   // use flexbox layout for children
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: column;
.childThatGrows: {
   // take as much space as available
   flex-grow: 1;        

   // don't take more space as available (elements are as high as their content by default)
   min-height: 0;       
   overflow: scroll;

Why min-height: 0? See

For your example this might look like this:

