How do you generate a list of all possible strings given a generator of characters and a length?

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-18 18:00:24


For example given ['a', 'b'] (as a generator) and 2 as a length

the function would output a generator that would yield:


or given ['a'] and a length of 3:


As you could imagine this set would get a lot larger if more letters were added or length was increased, it should list all permutations of the given characters up until the length


Here's a fairly self-explanatory solution.

//Returns all permuations of a certain length.
function perm($ls, $len)
    if($len <= 0)
        yield '';
        foreach ($ls as $x)
            foreach(perm($ls, $len-1) as $i)
               yield $x.$i;

//Returns all permuations of all lengths less or equal to the supplied integer.
function all_perm($ls, $len) {
    //$ls = iterator_to_array($ls);
    for($x=$len; $x>=0; $x--)
        foreach(perm($ls, $len-$x) as $string)
            yield $string;

Simply call all_perm with your array and maximum length. If the argument absolutely have to be a generator, uncomment $ls = iterator_to_array($ls);.

