django - list of lists in template

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-18 17:57:06


I am trying to render a list of lists zipped with zip().

list_of_list = zip(location,rating,images)

I want to render this list_of_list to template and want to show only the first image of each location.

my location and image models are these:

class Location(models.Model):
  locationname = models.CharField

class Image(models.Model):
  of_location = ForeignKey(Location,related_name="locs_image")
  img = models.ImageField(upload_to=".",default='')

here is the zipped list. How can I access only the first image of each location in template?

enter image description here


Pass the list_of_lists to the RequestContext. Then you can reference the first index of the images list in your template:

{% for location, rating, images in list_of_lists %}

<img>{{ images.0 }}</img>

{% endfor %}

How to render a context


I think you should have a look at django-multiforloop.


You can handle list elements in your template also based on their type (with Django 1.11 ).

So in case you have the view you describe:

# ...
list_of_lists = zip(location,rating,images)
context['list_of_lists'] = list_of_lists
# ...

All you need to do is create a tag to determine the type of your elements in the template:

from django import template
register = template.Library()
def get_type(value):
    return type(value).__name__

Then you can detect the content type of a list element and only display the first element if the list element is a list itself:

{% load tags %}
{# ...other things #}
    {% for a_list in list_of_lists %}
    {% for an_el in a_list %}
        {# if it is a list only take the first element #}
        {% if an_el|get_type == 'list' %}
        {{ an_el.0 }}
        {% else %}
        {{ an_el }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  % endfor %}

