I am getting this error whenever I call cv::waitKey():
ASSERT: "false" in file qasciikey.cpp, line 501
I am not sure why I am getting this error. I am running on an Ubuntu Server 14.04 EC2 instance connected through MobaXterm on Windows. If I run all of the same code on a normal ubuntu machine, all works great.
This is the line where this happens:
char key = cvWaitKey(33);
A workaround in MobaXterm is to uncheck "Unix-compatible keyboard" in X11 settings.
Try this.
pip install qtconsole
I solve the problem.
I am not trying to get the glory here but I think this deserves a proper answer.
As @George mentioned in the comment when my input was not from an English keyboard but used some other locale then this error occurs. I have seen other proposed reasons for this error but I guess this is a quite usual case since the error reports:
ASSERT: "false"
This problem is come from mistakes my laptop battery very low and charge unstable after opencv run opencv window opened and closed quickly. THis problem solved must battery full charge.