Error from VB excel macro code - msxml3.dll -2146697211 The system cannot locate the resource specified

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-28 02:20:14

For now I was able to solve this by changing the method from GET to POST. The error was intermittent but fortunately it started showing up on my dev machine once, and changing the HTTP method to POST did the trick. It's very odd that should happen though, but it worked.

I am also getting this sometimes in my server. Once I restart the server, it starts working fine and again intermittently fails. Again I had to restart. The error messages are random and intermittent.

FWIW, I got the same error. As it (eventually) turned out, there were errors in the XML file. Silly me, I would have thought Microsoft would have provided a more meaningful error message. If you get this error, try using one of the many XML check programs available.

Use MSXML v6.0, MSXML v3.0 is no longer distributed with Office or Windows. v6.0 is only distributed with Windows 7. But office 2010+ no longer comes with any version of MSXML any more. This explains the reasons for your issue.

It's also described in Wikipedia:
