Converting an array dict to xml in python?

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-02-18 05:12:13


I have this array that I need to convert to xml.

array = [
        'time': {"hour":"1", "minute":"30","seconds": "40"}
        'place': {"street":"40 something", "zip": "00000"}

The xml should have a title that I can put in as a variable for example,

xml_title = "test"

The result I want based on the array above and the xml title is this:

    <time hour="1" minute="30" second="40"></time>
        <street>40 something</street>

I liked the answer given in a similar stack overflow question ( but I am confused how I can use that answer to get this desired result.

Help please.


As noted in the comments, your original question mixes attributes and elements. If you want everything as elements, you might be able to use dicttoxml. For example:

from dicttoxml import dicttoxml

array = [
        'time': {"hour":"1", "minute":"30","seconds": "40"}
        'place': {"street":"40 something", "zip": "00000"}

xml = dicttoxml(array, custom_root='test', attr_type=False)

Produces the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <street>40 something</street>

If you can convert your dictionary to:

dictionary = {
    'time': {"hour":"1", "minute":"30","seconds": "40"},
    'place': {"street":"40 something", "zip": "00000"}

Then your XML will look as desired.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <street>40 something</street>

Note that, in general, the order of dictionary keys are not guaranteed, so if you want to preserve the order of keys in a dict, you may want to check out collections.OrderedDict.


I ended up taking the solution from here, then adding a for-loop over the elements in your array. The output uses attributes instead of elements like you had asked, though.

Full code outside of that function is this. I ended up using regex to strip out the intermediate <test></test> tags, then placed the on the outside at the end.

import re 

array = [
        'time': {"hour":"1", "minute":"30","seconds": "40"}
        'place': {"street":"40 something", "zip": "00000"}

xml_title = "test"
xml_tag_pattern = re.compile(r'</?{}>'.format(xml_title))
inner_xml = re.sub(xml_tag_pattern, '', ''.join(dict2xml(e, root_node=tag_name) for e in array))

print('<{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(xml_title, inner_xml))

The output is this (new lines added for clarity)

    <time hour="1" seconds="40" minute="30"/>
    <place street="40 something" zip="00000"/>


For simple cases, you can go with something like this:

def object_to_xml(data: Union[dict, bool], root='object'):
    xml = f'<{root}>'
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        for key, value in data.items():
            xml += object_to_xml(value, key)

    elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple, set)):
        for item in data:
            xml += object_to_xml(item, 'item')

        xml += str(data)

    xml += f'</{root}>'
    return xml


xml = object_to_xml([1, 2, 3], 'root')
# <root><item>1</item><item>2</item><item>3</item></root>
xml = object_to_xml({"name": "the matrix", "age": 20, "metadata": {"dateWatched":}}, 'movie')
# <movie><name>the matrix</name><age>20</age><metadata><dateWatched>2020-11-01 00:35:39.020358</dateWatched></metadata></movie>

