Originally I made this code to convert date into human readable time:
a = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
b = datetime.datetime.now()
c = b - a
days, hours, minutes, seconds = int(c.days), int(c.seconds // 3600), int(c.seconds % 3600 / 60.0), int(c.seconds % 60.0)
return days, hours, minutes, seconds
EXAMPLE OUTPUT: 1 days, 4 hours, 24 minutes, 37 seconds
and I'm trying to make it using epoch time, but I have no idea on to make it calculate days hours and etc.
a = last_epoch #last epoch recorded
b = time.time() #current epoch time
c = b - a #returns seconds
hours = c // 3600 / 24 #the only thing I managed to figure out
a = last_epoch #last epoch recorded
b = time.time() #current epoch time
c = b - a #returns seconds
days = c // 86400
hours = c // 3600 % 24
minutes = c // 60 % 60
seconds = c % 60
import datetime
timestamp = 1339521878.04
value = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
print(value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))