pip not working in Python Installation in Windows 10

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-17 12:34:29


I downloaded and installed Python 3.5 from https://www.python.org/downloads/ on my Windows 10 machine with IDLE

I want to install other packages using pip using the following and various other options in the IDLE commandline editor.

>> pip install    packagename
>> pip --install  packagename
>> pip --upgrade  packagename
>> pip upgrade    packagename

Where packagename I have tried various packages available from my installed Python modules Tried all the above options without any packagename a well. In short, pip doesn't work and I am stuck.

I get Syntaxerror: invalid syntax

pip is preinstalled in my Python. confirmed this with the command "import pip" and from help('modules').

Need help on how to proceed.

System specs: Windows 10, with login as User (Local Admin privileges). this is the only User on my computer.


instead of typing in "python". try using "py". for ex:

py -m pip install    packagename
py -m pip --install  packagename
py -m pip --upgrade  packagename
py -m pip upgrade    packagename

note: this should be done in the command prompt "cmd" and not in python idle. also FYI pip is installed with python 3.6 automatically.


Make sure the path to scripts folder for the python version is added to the path environment/system variable in order to use pip command directly without the whole path to pip.exe which is inside the scripts folder.

The scripts folder would be inside the python folder for the version that you are using, which by default would be inside c drive or in c:/program files or c:/program files (x86).

Then use commands as mentioned below. You may have to run cmd as administrator to perform these tasks. You can do it by right clicking on cmd icon and selecting run as administrator.

python -m pip install packagename
python -m pip uninstall packagename
python -m pip install --upgrade packagename

In case you have more than one version of python. You may replace python with py -versionnumber for example py -2 for python 2 or you may replace it with the path to the corresponding python.exe file. For example "c:\python27\python".


It's a really weird issue and I am posting this after wasting my 2 hours.

You installed Python and added it to PATH. You've checked it too(like 64-bit etc). Everything should work but it is not.

what you didn't do is a terminal/cmd restart

restart your terminal and everything would work like a charm.

I Hope, it helped/might help others.


You should use python and pip in terminal or powershell terminal not in IDLE.


pip install psycopg2


python -m pip install psycop2

Remember about add python to Windows PATH. I paste examples for Win7. I believe in Win10 this is similar.

Adding Python Path on Windows 7

python 2.7: cannot pip on windows "bash: pip: command not found"

Good luck:)


I faced a problem upgrading pip from version 9.0.1 to 9.0.3 The upgrade failed middle way(after uninstalling version 9.0.1 and without installing version 9.0.3). This usually creates a broken pip file. Broken pip can be solved by the command-->

easy_install pip

Which usually installs the latest version of pip, and solves the issue. In order to confirm, type

pip --version

Hope this was helpfull...


open command prompt

python pip install <package-name> 

This should complete the process


You may have to run cmd as administrator to perform these tasks. You can do it by right clicking on cmd icon and selecting run as administrator. It's worked for me.


I had the same problem on Visual Studio Code. For various reasons several python versions are installed on my computer. I was thus able to easily solve the problem by switching python interpreter.

If like me you have several versions of python on you machine, in Visual Studio Code, you can easily change the interpreter by clicking on the bottom left corner where it says Python...

