So, i have to convert the numbers from base two in base 10, and i have no idea how to do it.This is how my program looks for now, but I am not sure if what I got until now works properly. The conversion part is really giving me a hard time, but for sure I have lots of mistakes in my code, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
assume cs:code, ds:data
data segment
msg db 'Give numbers:$'
numbers LABEL BYTE
max_size DB 100
numbers_len DB ?
number DB 100 dup (?)
ten db 10
errm db 'Numbers not in binary.$'
data ends
code segment
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ah,09h
mov dx,offset msg
int 21h
mov AH,0Ah
mov DX,offset numbers
int 21h
mov CL,numbers_len
mov CH,0
mov SI,0
mov AL,number[SI]
cmp AL,' '
je conversion
cmp AL,'0'
jb erro
cmp AL,'1'
ja erro
jmp conversion
inc SI
dec cx
jcxz print
jmp repeat
jmp continue
pop dx
add dl,'0'
mov ah,02h
int 21h
loop print
mov ah,09h
mov dx,offset errm
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start
First of all, it is not possible to perform base-2 to base-10 conversion directly : you have to convert the base-2 representation into an actual value in a register, and then turn that into base-10. This is because those bases are not related to each other, e.g. there is no way to obtain 10 by applying an integer power to 2.
Here's the code for the conversion from a base-2 string to a number. No error checking is performed, every character that's not 1
is simply treated as 0
; input : bx - the starting address of the string, cx - its length
; output : ax - contents of the string interpreted as base-2
mov di, bx
add di, cx
sub di, 1
xor ax, ax
mov dx, 1
cmp di, bx
jb .end
cmp byte [di], '1'
jne .loop_next
add ax, dx
shl dx, 1
sub di, 1
jmp .loop
As you can see, the code builds up the return value in ax
by adding dx
to it if there is a 1
at the current position. dx
corresponds to the value of 2^n in every iteration of the loop, where n
is the current position in the string, starting from zero.
The code to convert a value to base-10 uses division to convert the "native" base-2 value stored in a register into consecutive base-10 digits of that value.
; input : ax - the number to convert
; di - the last writable address of the output buffer
; output : di - the address of the last written character
; destroys bx, cx, dx
mov cx, 10
xor dx, dx
div cx
mov bx, dx
or bl, '0'
mov [di], bl
test ax, ax
jz .end
sub di, 1
jmp to_dec
The conversion is done "backwards" : it starts from the lowest position and works its way up as long as the result of the division is nonzero - this means that there is still more to convert. This is also why the function needs to obtain the last writable address of the buffer instead of its beginning.