In my Ace editor, just after the scroll bars appear, the character are getting typed but not where the cursor is. See the picture below. What has gone wrong? The code seem to work OK in my dev environment.
I notice that the font for my dev environment is bigger than the font of my prod environment.
Dev env:
Prod env:
I don't understand that why there is a difference and if this is the cause of the issue.
After setting the fonts
explicitly to courier new
, the editor options are
editor options are {selectionStyle: "line", highlightActiveLine: true, highlightSelectedWord: true, readOnly: false, copyWithEmptySelection: false, …}animatedScroll: falseautoScrollEditorIntoView: undefinedbehavioursEnabled: truecopyWithEmptySelection: falsecursorStyle: "ace"displayIndentGuides: truedragDelay: 0dragEnabled: trueenableBlockSelect: trueenableMultiselect: truefadeFoldWidgets: falsefirstLineNumber: 1fixedWidthGutter: undefinedfocusTimeout: 0foldStyle: "markbegin"fontFamily: "Courier New"fontSize: "14pt"hScrollBarAlwaysVisible: falsehasCssTransforms: undefinedhighlightActiveLine: truehighlightGutterLine: truehighlightSelectedWord: trueindentedSoftWrap: truekeyboardHandler: undefinedmaxLines: undefinedmaxPixelHeight: 0mergeUndoDeltas: trueminLines: undefinedmode: "ace/mode/html"navigateWithinSoftTabs: falsenewLineMode: "auto"overwrite: falseplaceholder: undefinedprintMargin: 80printMarginColumn: 80readOnly: falserelativeLineNumbers: undefinedscrollPastEnd: 0scrollSpeed: 2selectionStyle: "line"showFoldWidgets: trueshowGutter: trueshowInvisibles: falseshowLineNumbers: trueshowPrintMargin: truetabSize: 4theme: "ace/theme/eclipse"tooltipFollowsMouse: trueuseSoftTabs: trueuseTextareaForIME: trueuseWorker: truevScrollBarAlwaysVisible: falsewrap: "off"wrapBehavioursEnabled: true__proto__: Object
It seems each line in the editor gets a class ace_gutter-cell
. This class is not the same the dev
and prod
environment. position:absolute
is missing in prod
. See the images below. Am I picking differing builds of ace
This happens when you use a font that isn't monospaced; you have to use monospaced fonts with Ace.