I am learning cypher and trying to find out a way to create dynamic relationship when a condition passes. Here is an example:
we have single node:
and another node which has unknown relationship of TEMP_1 or TEMP_2 with its child:
(n1)------[TEMP_1 or TEMP_2]------>(child)
we want to create relationship between (n2) and (child) if it exists
(n2)------[TEMP_1 or TEMP_2]------>(child)
Here is query:
MATCH (n1: NODE_1)
MATCH (n2: NODE_2)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n1)-[rel:TEMP_1|TEMP_2]->(child)
CALL apoc.do.when(child IS NOT NULL, "CREATE (n2)-[:r]->(ch) RETURN TRUE", "", {n2:n2, r:type(rel), ch:child}) YIELD value
However this creates me relationship of type "r" instead of taking type from rel so it looks like following:
Is there a way to create dynamic relationship on specific condition?
I have another idea but that would require carry on with query execution even if MATCH returns nothing.
MATCH (n1: NODE_1)
MATCH (n2: NODE_2)
MATCH (n1)-[rel:TEMP_1|TEMP_2]->(child)
CALL apoc.do.when(child IS NOT NULL, "CREATE (n2)-[:r]->(ch) RETURN TRUE", "", {n2:n2, r:type(rel), ch:child}) YIELD value
...[other parts of query e.g. MATCH | CREATE ...]
There is no OPTIONAL MATCH this time and when child IS NULL it returns and does not bother calling APOC procedure. However I would like to carry on with other part of the query e.g. create other relationships. Is there a way to accomplish something like that?
The apoc.create.relationship function can create a relationship with a dynamic type.
Also, you need to use the "$" prefix when referencing a parameter.
For example:
OPTIONAL MATCH (n1: NODE_1)-[rel:TEMP_1|TEMP_2]->(child)
CALL apoc.do.when(
child IS NOT NULL,
"MATCH (n2: NODE_2) CALL apoc.create.relationship(n2, $r, $ch) YIELD rel RETURN rel",
{r:type(rel), ch:child}) YIELD value
This snippet only gets n2
as needed, which assumes that you do not need n2
later in the query.