conditionally render siteUrl property in Gatsby-config based on environment

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-02-17 04:30:13


I would like to set up a simple expression in my gatsby-config.js that determines whether I am working locally or in production so that I can set the siteUrl property appropriately.

My gatsby-config (with psuedo code):

module.exports = {
    siteMetadata: {
        title: "My title",
        description: "My description...",
        siteUrl: (process.env=DEVELOPMENT) ? "/" : " /* something here */
  }, {

Is this possible with simple JS, string literals, etc.. ?


Yes you can, by setting up environment variables.

Create some .env.* files in root folder for different environments.

Docs here:


You just need to set a .env.development and .env.production. Gatsby, by default, it will take the first one when you run a gatsby develop command and the second in gatsby build. Of course, you can change its behavior by changing your running script's command.

Once you set your .env.development, it should look like:


Then, this variable will be exposed in any Gatsby's file in the runtime. You only need to access it by:

module.exports = {
    siteMetadata: {
        title: "My title",
        description: "My description...",
        siteUrl: process.env.SITE_URL
  }, {

You can check the active environment by checking GATSBY_ACTIVE_ENV variable like:

siteUrl: process.env.GATSBY_ACTIVE_ENV==='development' ? '/' : ''

You can change the default behavior by changing the running script in your package.json. For example:

"develop": "GATSBY_ACTIVE_ENV=whatever gatsby develop",

Now, GATSBY_ACTIVE_ENV would be whatever in a develop mode.

For further reading, check Gatsby's docs


After some trial and error, I've found the solution to my problem (along with a couple of gotchas).

The first distinction I had to make was between OS vars and project vars, as per the Gatsby docs. I wasn't too clear on that but decided that my root URL was a project environment variable as it changed depending on whether I was in production or development.

That said, I only needed to define my URLs in their respective .env files:

// .env.development

N.B: You have to define the HTTP protocol on localhost, otherwise you'll run into an unhandled rejection, invalid URL error with Gatsby link. I found it has to be HTTP to work.

// .env.production

Next, in my gatsby-config.js, I had to include the dotenv package at the top (as also noted in the Gatsby docs):

// gatsby-config.js
    path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`,

However, trying to spin up the gatsby development (or production) server, I kept running into a problem with can't resolve 'fs' module. I came to find this article from Gatsby troubleshooting docs and added the following to my gatsby-node.js file to resolve it:

exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({ actions }) => {
        node: {
            fs: "empty",

So ultimately, I was able to simply put the following in my siteMetadata section of the gatsby-config.js file:

// gatsby-config.js
    path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`,
siteMetadata: {
    title: "My Site",
    description: "My description...",
    siteUrl: process.env.SITE_URL,

This produces the desired behavior, calling up the proper SITE_URL variable based on environments.

Also note, this issue only happened when I included the property siteUrl in my siteMetadata object. If I could have taken it out I would have but am using it as a sitewide variable for SEO purposes and more.

Gotcha: If you're using Netlify you'll need to set up an Env Var in your build environment matching SITE_URL or else your build will break as the production variable won't work in the gatsby-config as is.

