I know that in frameworks like Handlebars and ect. it is possible to write HTML similar to the following:
<span id="logged-on-username">{{username}}</span>
In this contrived example, a JS file loaded when on this page would return the value of a variable called username and interpolate it into the view template.
Is anything similar possible in vanilla HTML + JS?
Thanks in advance for anyone's time who happens to answer.
You mean something like this
const content = {
"username": "Fredy Kruger",
"status": "Scary",
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
[...document.querySelectorAll("span.dynamic")].forEach(span => {
const match = span.textContent.match(/{{(.*?)}}/)
if (match.length === 2) span.innerText = content[match[1]]
Name: <span class="dynamic" id="logged-on-username">{{username}}</span><br/>
Status: <span class="dynamic">{{status}}</span><br/>