(I understand the title makes this sound like a duplicate question to Sympy Can't differentiate wrt the variable, but I'm fairly certain it is quite different. I apologize in advance if I am mistaken)
I'm trying to solve the Double Pendulum using Hamiltonian Mechanics, but Sympy is having trouble taking one of the derivatives. The code is below, but it's much easier to read the iPython Notebook over at nbviewer.ipython.org
from __future__ import division
from sympy import *
r_1,r_2,l_1,l_2, m_1, m_2, rdot_1, rdot_2,g = symbols("r_1 r_2 l_1 l_2 m_1 m_2 \dot{r_1} \dot{r_2} g")
phi_1, phi_2 = symbols("phi_1 phi_2", cls=Function)
phi_1 = phi_1(t)
phi_2 = phi_2(t)
r_1 = Matrix([l_1 * sin(phi_1), -l_1 * cos(phi_1)])
rdot_1 = r_1.diff(t)
r_2 = Matrix([r_1[0] + l_2 * sin(phi_2), r_1[1] -l_2 * cos(phi_2)])
rdot_2 = r_2.diff(t)
T = (1/2) * m_1 * rdot_1.T * rdot_1 + (1/2) * m_2 * rdot_2.T * rdot_2
T = T[0]
U = -g * ((m_1 * r_1[1]) + (m_2 * r_2[1]))
L = symbols("\mathcal{L}")
L = T - U
H = symbols("\mathcal{H}")
H = T + U
p_1, p_2 = symbols("p_1 p_2")
p_1 = L.diff(phi_1.diff(t))
p_2 = L.diff(phi_2.diff(t))
eq1_1 = p_1.diff(t) + H.diff(phi_1)
eq1_2 = p_2.diff(t) + H.diff(phi_2)
eq2_1 = phi_1.diff(t) - H.diff(p_1)
The last line yields the following error:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-96-83bfafadd08f> in <module>()
----> 1 eq2_1 = phi_1.diff(t) - H.diff(p_1)
2 eq2_2 = phi_2.diff(t) - H.diff(p_2)
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/sympy/core/expr.pyc in diff(self, *symbols, **assumptions)
2773 new_symbols = list(map(sympify, symbols)) # e.g. x, 2, y, z
2774 assumptions.setdefault("evaluate", True)
-> 2775 return Derivative(self, *new_symbols, **assumptions)
2777 ###########################################################################
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/sympy/core/function.pyc in __new__(cls, expr, *variables, **assumptions)
1027 from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent
1028 raise ValueError(filldedent('''
-> 1029 Can\'t differentiate wrt the variable: %s, %s''' % (v, count)))
1031 if all_zero and not count == 0:
Can't differentiate wrt the variable:
1.0*l_1*(l_1*m_1*Derivative(phi_1(t), t) +
l_1*m_2*Derivative(phi_1(t), t) + l_2*m_2*cos(phi_1(t) -
phi_2(t))*Derivative(phi_2(t), t)), 1
Is the expression too complicated? Or am I misunderstanding how to use diff()?
It's essentially the same problem. The second argument to diff
(or the only argument if called as a method) should be a single Symbol, not an expression. In this case, your differentiation "variable" is an entire expression, which doesn't even make sense mathematically.
Did you perhaps inadvertently overwrite p_1?
p_1, p_2 = symbols("p_1 p_2")
p_1 = L.diff(phi_1.diff(t))
You created a symbol but then destroyed it by creating a Python variable with the same name, so when you try to differentiate wrt p_1 you are (as Aaron pointed out) differentiating wrt an expression, not a symbol that you created.