I've got two lists of lists, I match them and print any differences. The two lists are cable connections within a FPGA station. I need to ensure:
All the connections on the
exist on$list2
, if not, it should save the error on another listAll the connections on
exist on$list1
, so I don't get any 'wrong' connections.Any connections that don't exist on either list should be saved onto another variable.
The lists are in this format:
{{A.B2} {B.B3}}
and the the $list2 equivalent could be:
{{B.B3} {A.B2}}
^ Even though the connections are swapped around, it is still valid! I save both of these on different variables inside a loop to do this:
if {
$physical == "$project" && $physical2 == "$project2"
|| $physical == "$project2" && $physical2 == "$project"
} then {
lappend verified "$project ($project2) VERIFIED\n"
#incr cablecounter
set h 0
} elseif {
$physical == "$project" && $physical2 != "$project2"
|| $physical != "$project" && $physical2 == "project2"
|| $physical == "$project2" && $physical2 != "project"
|| $physical != "$project2" && $physical2 == "project"
} then {
lappend nonverified "$project to $project2 NOT connected. Please check $physical and $physical2\n"
} else {
set g [expr $g - 1]
incr h
#puts "\n [llength configuredConnections]"
if {
$h > [llength $configuredConnections] && $project != "$physical" && $project2 != "$physical2"
|| $h > [llength $configuredConnections] && $project != "physical2" && $project2 != "$physical"
} {
lappend nonverified "$project to $project2 wrong connection found. Please remove.\n"
set h 0; incr g
This gives me all the wrong connections etc, BUT instead of telling me that an element on $list1
doesn't exist on $list2
, it stores it onto $nonverified
, and lists is as a 'wrong connection' rather than listing it as 'NOT' connected.
I am new to TCL idk what to do!
EDIT: $project
and $project2
are the two elements in $list1
, and $physical $physical2
are elements in $list2
I'm using Tcl 8.4
The ldiff
command can help you (EDIT: I replaced the Tcl 8.6 implementation with a Tcl 8.4-workable (provided you use the lmap
replacement below) one):
proc ldiff {a b} {
lmap elem $a {
expr {[lsearch -exact $b $elem] > -1 ? [continue] : $elem}
The invocation
ldiff $list1 $list2
gives you all elements in list1
that don't occur in list2
, and vice versa.
Items that don't exist on either of the lists should presumably be in a list named, say, list0
, and you can find them with the invocation
ldiff [ldiff $list0 $list1] $list2
A quick-and-dirty replacement for lmap
for Tcl 8.4 users:
proc lmap {varname listval body} {
upvar 1 $varname var
set temp [list]
foreach var $listval {
lappend temp [uplevel 1 $body]
set temp
It doesn't allow multiple varname-listval pairs, but you don't need that for ldiff
This ought to provide a working replacement for the full lmap
command on Tcl 8.4, unless there are still issues that don't show up when using 8.6:
proc lmap args {
set body [lindex $args end]
set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]
set n 0
set pairs [list]
foreach {varname listval} $args {
upvar 1 $varname var$n
lappend pairs var$n $listval
incr n
set temp [list]
eval foreach $pairs [list {
lappend temp [uplevel 1 $body]
set temp
I still recommend the first replacement suggestion in this case, though: there's less that can go wrong with it.
This proc will return the intersection and the differences between 2 lists. For Tcl 8.4, call it like
foreach {intersection not_in_list2 not_in_list1} \
[intersect3 $list1 $list2] \
if {[llength $not_in_list2] > 0} {
puts "NOT All the connections on the list1 exist on list2"
puts $not_in_list2
if {[llength $not_in_list1] > 0} {
puts "NOT All the connections on the list2 exist on list1"
puts $not_in_list1
(Tcl 8.5 and above, you would
lassign [intersect3 $list1 $list2] intersection not_in_list2 not_in_list1
And the intersect3
proc is:
# intersect3 - perform the intersecting of two lists, returning a list
# containing three lists. The first list is everything in the first
# list that wasn't in the second, the second list contains the intersection
# of the two lists, the third list contains everything in the second list
# that wasn't in the first.
proc intersect3 {list1 list2} {
array set la1 {}
array set lai {}
array set la2 {}
foreach v $list1 {
set la1($v) {}
foreach v $list2 {
set la2($v) {}
foreach elem [concat $list1 $list2] {
if {[info exists la1($elem)] && [info exists la2($elem)]} {
unset la1($elem)
unset la2($elem)
set lai($elem) {}
list [lsort [array names la1]] [lsort [array names lai]] \
[lsort [array names la2]]
I belive I stole that from TclX some years ago. You could (should?) use tcllib:
package require struct::set
set l1 {a b c d e f g}
set l2 {c d e f g h i}
puts [struct::set intersect3 $l1 $l2]
{c d e f g} {a b} {h i}