Access Rich Text fields

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-02-11 18:23:22


I need to access a rich text field inside a document, however, if I read the documents with the correct field selected, I don't receive the value of the field in the database response. How can I retrieve the data of a rich text field?


Rich text fields are not yet supported. Some very basic RT support is coming in 1.0.4 of the appdev pack, but I don't think you'll be able to use it yet as you would like.


If they hold their promise (quarterly releases) and with 1.0.3 out in December, I hope for a 1.0.4 release in March.


Our current workaround:

Convert the RTField to HTML using the rt.convertToTHML() method, save it into another field via an agent and process the HTML. Works fine for read only, embedded pictures need a little extra work

            RichTextItem rt = (RichTextItem) doc.getFirstItem("body");
            String html = rt.convertToHTML(null);
            doc.replaceItemValue("bodyHTML", html);

