Bars to be plotted over map

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-11-28 02:12:16


I want to draw barchart over map as on this page:

I used following data and code but it is not working.

ddf = read.table(header=T, sep=",", text=" country, val1, val2, val3 Nigeria,5,10,8 China,8,12,20 Brazil,15,9,20 Italy,9,25,5 Australia,15,5,25 ")  require (rworldmap)  sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(ddf     , joinCode = "NAME"     , nameJoinColumn = "country"     , verbose = TRUE)  mapBars( sPDF,         , nameZs=c(ddf$val1, ddf$val2, ddf$val3)        , symbolSize=4 ) 

How can I correct this? Please help.

Edit: I tried using code in answer below but I am getting an empty window plot with error: Error in par(plt = c(xyx, xyy), new = TRUE) : invalid value specified for graphical parameter "plt"


You could try using subplots:

# ... plot(getMap()) df <- merge(x=ddf, y=sPDF@data[sPDF@data$ADMIN, c("ADMIN", "LON", "LAT")], by.x="country", by.y="ADMIN", all.x=TRUE) require(TeachingDemos) for (i in 1:nrow(df))    subplot(barplot(height=as.numeric(as.character(unlist(df[i, 2:4], use.names=F))),                    axes=F,                    col=rainbow(3), ylim=range(df[,2:4])),           x=df[i, 'LON'], y=df[i, 'LAT'], size=c(.3, .3)) legend("topright", legend=names(df[, 2:4]), fill=rainbow(3)) 

