Mocking an Aspect class invoked after an exception is thrown in Junit

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-11 17:42:07


I have an aspect class as below -

public class TestAspect {

@AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* *(..)) ", throwing = "testException")
public void afterThrowAdvice(TestException testException) throws Exception {

Now anytime any class throws TestException, TestAspect's afterThrowAdvice method is getting called. From Unit tests as well without using any spring configuration xmls, running as a plain junit test. How do I mock to not do anything when that method is called? I tried in my unit test the below but it won't work. Rightly so because the aspect is not autowired into the classes I am testing. Any suggestions? -

private TestAspect testAspect



One way to achieve this is using @Profile option .

Following profile configuration will make sure the aspect bean is only available with the profile is not test

public class TestAspect {
    @AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* *(..)) ", throwing = "testException")
    public void afterThrowAdvice(TestException testException) throws Exception {

and following Junit testcase runs the the tests with profile as test and no aspect bean is created here

@ContextConfiguration(classes = TestExConfig.class)
public class TestService{

    ServiceWithException service;

    @Test(expected = TestException.class)
    public void testExceptionMethod() throws TestException {

Hope this helps

