I am trying to implement some object detection in a project of mine using darknet.py.
from my terminal I am able to run python3 darknet.py and get my results all fine. But when I have tried to include it in my own program I am getting several errors;
from: cant read /var/mail/ctypes import im6.q16: not authorized math @error/constitute.c/writeimage/1037
I am not sure how to proceed. I have made sure darknet.py starts with
#!/usr/bin/ env python3
as does my program, i am trying to run it with python3 test.py
I am trying to call it with os.systems('/home/bob/DarknetAB/darknet/darknet.py')
The rest of my program runs fine it is just trying to get darknet.py i am struggling with. I assume the problem is how I am calling it. But I am new to all things coding so any advice appreciated!