tcms-api 5.3 package incompatible with Windows

假如想象 提交于 2021-02-11 15:44:01


I attempted to upgrade my tcms-api library from 5.0 to 5.3 using:

pip install tcms-api --upgrade 

on a Windows 10 machine, I saw a lot of errors when trying to install the dependent package of kerberos. Even though this is old, I saw a similar set of errors. The package installation failed since the kerberos package isn't supported on Windows and I was left at tcms-api 5.0.


Please file a bug against

We can do a quick fix by providing 2 package names: tcms-api and tcms-api[kerberos]

The first one will not install the kerberos package.

The proposed workaround makes sense but changing the underlying kerberos implementation needs careful testing which isn't a quick job.

OTOH uses gssapi which seems to be the latest and most actively maintained implementation of Kerberos for Python. There is an open issue to migrate to that in tcms-api so you can contribute if you want.


As a workaround, I was able to do the following (caveat: I haven't extensively tested my installation yet):

  • Clone the tcms-api repo from GitHub
  • Edit to change the install_requires line to use 'kerberos-sspi' rather than 'kerberos'
  • Install the following pip packages: Setuptools, Wheel, Twine
  • CD to repo folder and run: python bdist_wheel
  • That creates a package under the dist folder
  • Run pip install dist\tcms_api-5.3-py3-none-any.whl
  • Celebrate successful package install

The steps were modified from this page.

Update: I confirmed the things I need the API to do work with my custom package (create and update test runs). However, I'm in a situation where I don't need to specifically harden my Kiwi instance using kerberos authentication.

