How to get all database tables referenced in a presto query using presto-parser

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2021-02-11 14:52:38


I'm using presto-parser to figure out which database tables are being queried in any given Presto query. I implemented a class that extends DefaultTraversalVisitor like this

public class ProcessTables extends DefaultTraversalVisitor<Void, Void> {
  private Set<String> tables;

  ProcessTables() {
    this.tables = new LinkedHashSet<>();

  Set<String> getTables() {
    return tables;

  protected Void visitTable(Table node, Void context) {
    return visitQueryBody(node, context);

However, I find that conceptual tables (I'm not sure of the correct term here) are also treated as Tables without a way to distinguish them from actual database tables. For example

with RANDOMNAME as (
    select  column_a, column_b
    from    db.tablename
    where   condition

would visitTable for both RANDOMNAME and db.tablename. Is there a better way to do this? Am I missing something, like another method that I should override as well to distinguish between the two?

