i am trying to fetch record with order by query but situation is this that i have to use order by both on current table column and relationship table column in laravel . I tried this
$consignments = Consignment::where('delivery_run_id', $id)->whereIn('status', [
'In Warehouse',
'With On Forwarder',
'In Transit (Warehouse->Delivery)',
'Awaiting Pickup'
])->with(['consignment_run_sheet' => function ($query) {
}])->orderBy('delivery_date', 'DESC')->get();
$deliveryRuns = DeliveryRun::all();
How I can achieve it?
it will order just the relation items in this way. solution is use subquery or joins. useing Subquery is like this if assume the modal for consignment_run_sheet relation is ConsignmentRunSheet and the relation is belongsTo:
$consignments = Consignment::where('delivery_run_id', $id)->whereIn('status', [
'In Warehouse',
'With On Forwarder',
'In Transit (Warehouse->Delivery)',
'Awaiting Pickup'
->whereColumn('consignments.id', 'consignment_run_sheet.consignment_id'), 'DESC')
source: https://reinink.ca/articles/ordering-database-queries-by-relationship-columns-in-laravel