I would like to have a message sent in a certain channel that the bot is turning off or on

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-02-11 14:39:44


So I'm new to making bots and coding and stuff and this might be a newbie question but anyway, I don't have a hosting server for my bot so i was thinking that maybe when the bot turned off it would send a message in a channel But I have no clue how to do that or if its possible. I was able to get it to happen when the bot turns on but I don't know how to have it occur when the bot turns off.

I don't even know where to start. What I have so far is when I type node . in the terminal the bot turns on, tells the console log and then tells the server. But I don't know how to do it for the bot turning off.

bot.on('ready', () =>{
bot.channels.get("488916182406004747").send("The cloud has lifted");



Shutdown Command

As mentioned in the comments, you could create a simple command to shut down your client, which would send the desired message.


// Async context required to use keyword 'await'

try {
  await message.channel.send('Goodbye');    // Send the message

  await message.delete();                   // Delete the command message
  await client.user.setStatus('invisible'); // Mark the client as offline (instead of waiting)
  await client.destroy();                   // Remove the client instance
} catch(err) {
  console.error(err);                       // Return any errors from rejected promises


If you wanted the message to be sent when your Node process exits in general for any reason (i.e. client logs out, computer is turned off, CTRL + C, etc.), you could create a Webhook and use it in the process's beforeExit event.

To create the Webhook, navigate to the options of the channel you want the messages to be sent in. Go to Webhooks, click Create Webhook, customize the options, copy the Webhook URL, and then click Save. In the URL, the ID is the first group of digits only after /webhooks/, and the token follows the next /.


const { id, token } = require('./webhook.json'); // json file with Webhook's ID and token 
// const Discord = require('discord.js');

// const client = new Discord.Client();
const webhook = new Discord.WebhookClient(id, token);

process.once('beforeExit', () => {
  webhook.send(`${client.user} has gone offline.`)

Bonus: You could also use the Webhook in the ready event to send the 'ready' message.

client.once('ready', () => {
  webhook.send(`${client.user} is now online.`)


The beforeExit event is not emitted when the Node.js process exits unexpectedly, like when you close the console window. Therefore the only scenarios where you'd find the Webhook option helpful is when your client crashes or you use CTRL/CMD + C in the console window.

My suggestion would be to stick to a shutdown command. To keep your bot running without proper hosting, you could try a process manager or creating a Windows Service.

