I have a list of objects with this definition:
type MyObject struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Level int `json:"level"`
CityID int `json:"city_id"`
I want to categorize them based on CityID
in order to get a list of lists where each inner list's items have the same CityID
For example, if I have the following list:
MyObject {ID: 1, Level: 12, CityID: 7},
MyObject {ID: 2, Level: 15, CityID: 2},
MyObject {ID: 3, Level: 55, CityID: 4},
MyObject {ID: 4, Level: 88, CityID: 7},
MyObject {ID: 5, Level: 11, CityID: 4},
MyObject {ID: 6, Level: 5, CityID: 7},
MyObject {ID: 7, Level: 42, CityID: 2}
I need below output:
[MyObject {ID: 1, Level: 12, CityID: 7}, MyObject {ID: 4, Level: 88, CityID: 7}, MyObject {ID: 6, Level: 5, CityID: 7}],
[MyObject {ID: 2, Level: 15, CityID: 2}, MyObject {ID: 7, Level: 42, CityID: 2}],
[MyObject {ID: 3, Level: 55, CityID: 4}, MyObject {ID: 5, Level: 11, CityID: 4}]
I know it is possible in python using itertools
, but I'm new in go
and have little knowledge about its libraries. Any help?
I am currently using this:
m := make(map[int][]MyObject)
for _, item := range myList {
if val, ok := m[item.CityID]; ok {
m[item.CityID] = append(val, item)
} else {
m[item.CityID] = []MyObject{item, }
Your current approach is the way to go, but it may be simplified, there is no need to check if a CityID
is already in the map, because indexing a map with a key that isn't in it will result in the zero value of the value type, which is nil
for slices, and you may append to a nil
slice without a problem:
m := make(map[int][]MyObject)
for _, item := range myList {
m[item.CityID] = append(m[item.CityID], item)
Complete programme for you
It might be lengthy but working fine, may help if you don't have any other option.
package main
// only needed below for sample processing
type MyObject struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Level int `json:"level"`
CityID int `json:"city_id"`
var listOfID = make([]int, 0)
func main() {
var listMap = make(map[int][]MyObject)
obj := MyObject {ID: 1, Level: 12, CityID: 7}
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
listMap = addToList(obj, listMap)
obj1 := MyObject {ID: 1, Level: 12, CityID: 8}
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
listMap = addToList(obj1, listMap)
listOfList := getListOfLists(listMap)
func printListOfList(list interface{}) {
// print here
func getListOfLists(listMap map[int][]MyObject) interface{} {
var listOfLists [][]MyObject
for i:=0; i < len(listOfID); i++ {
innerList := listMap[listOfID[i]]
listOfLists = append(listOfLists, innerList)
return listOfLists
func addToList(obj MyObject, listMap map[int][]MyObject) map[int][]MyObject {
cityID := obj.CityID
list := listMap[cityID]
if list != nil {
list = append(list, obj)
listMap[cityID] = list
} else {
var newList []MyObject
listOfID = append(listOfID, cityID)
newList = make([]MyObject, 0)
newList = append(newList, obj)
listMap[cityID] = newList
return listMap