I am newbie in thymeleaf. I need to create links that consists of the path to controller(class PersonController) and id of object, which I take from list. I want that eachPerson object from list have its own link like this: href=" /personData/person.id'. It's my code, which give me an error org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateInputException: An error happened during template parsing:
<div th:each="person : ${persons}" th:with="hrefToPerson=${/personData/ + ${person.id}}">
<a th:href=hrefToPerson>Edit</a>
<p th:text="${person.id} + ' ' + ${person.getLastName()} + ' ' + ${person.getFirstName()} + ' ' + ${person.getPatronymic()}"/>
<li th:each="phone: ${person.getPhoneNumbers()}" th:text="${phone.getType()} + ' ' + ${phone.getNumber()}"></li>
<p>Address: </p>
<li th:each="address:${person.addresses}" th:text="${address.getZipCode()} + ', ' + ${address.getCountry()} +
', ' + ${address.getRegion()} + ', ' + ${address.getCity()} + ', ' + ${address.getAddressLine2()} + ' ' + ${address.getAddressLine1()}"></li>
public class PersonController {
private PersonRepository personRepo;
public String personEditForm(@PathVariable Person person, Model model) {
model.addAttribute("person", person);
return "personEdit";
public String personSave(@RequestParam Person person, Model model) {
return "personEdit";
class Person:
@NamedQuery(name = "Person.findByPhone",
query = "select p from Person as p join p.phoneNumbers as pn where pn.number = :number")
@UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"lastName", "firstName", "patronymic"})
public class Person {
private Integer id;
private String lastName;
private String firstName;
private String patronymic;
@ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@CollectionTable(name = "person_phone_numbers", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "person_id"))
private Set<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers = new HashSet<>();
@ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@CollectionTable(name = "person_addresses", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "person_id"))
@AttributeOverride(name = "addressLine1", column = @Column(name = "house_number")),
@AttributeOverride(name = "addressLine2", column = @Column(name = "street"))
private Set<Address> addresses = new HashSet<>();
public Person() {
public Person(String lastName, String firstName, String patronymic,
Set<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers, Set<Address> addresses) {
this.lastName = lastName;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.patronymic = patronymic;
this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
this.addresses = addresses;
getters and setters... }
It should be structured like this:
<div th:each="person: ${persons}">
<a th:href="@{/personData/{id}(id=${person.id})}">Edit</a>
See the standard url syntax. You could do the same expression with th:with
, but I don't see any reason you'd want to do that unless you are reusing the url.
<div th:each="person: ${persons}" th:with="hrefToPerson=@{/personData/{id}(id=${person.id})}">
<a th:href="${hrefToPerson}">Edit</a>
You are using a wrong thymeleaf syntax in the first line. This might work:
<div th:each="person : ${persons}">
<a th:href="@{/personData/{id}(id=${person.id})}">Edit</a>
For building URLs the @{...} Expression is used. With ${...} you can display model attributes.