Problem moving events in fullcalendar-angular

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-11 14:01:00


I'm using Fullcalendar-Angular and I'm trying to make events move from day to another but the problem is when I start pulling some event it has to be moved to the center of the cell of the new day.

I want the event to be moved once the mouse enters the cell of the new day.

Here are 2 pictures of what I mean .. I'm moving the event from day 16 to day 15.

Moved the event slightly before the center of the cell of day 15 -- NOT activated

Moved it a little further to the left -- Activated

This is kinda acceptable when in Month view as it changes the background color as an indicator, however when I move to Week view and start pulling it doesn't change the background nor does it move the event until it reaches the center of the new cell which causes usability issues when I'm trying to move the event on top of another event.


What I tried

  1. Using a 3rd-party library for dragging (Dragula)
  2. Using the eventDragMinDistance attribute but couldn't get how to calculate the correct value

