extract name entities and its corresponding numerical values from sentence

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-11 13:57:27


I want to extract information from sentences.

Currently, I am able to do the following using spacy.

Amy's monthly payment is $2000. -->  (Amy's monthly payment, $2000)

However, I am trying to do the following.

The monthly payments for Amy, Bob, and Eva are $2000, $3000 and $3500 respectively.  
--> ((Amy's monthly payment, $2000), (Bob's monthly payment, $3000), (Eva's monthly payment, $3500))

Is there any way that I can perform the task using the NLP method through python library such as Spacy? The pattern of the sentence is not fixed. Using regular expressions is not working.



If you look at the spacy dependency parse you can see that conjunctions are shown in it: So you will need to add some logic that takes into account this conjunction relationship when you iterate through the dependency parse tree. You could link the conjunctions like this:

conjunctions = set()
for span in doc:
    if span.dep == conj:

You can play around with the spacy dependency parse visualisations here: https://explosion.ai/demos/displacy?text=The%20monthly%20payments%20for%20Amy%2C%20Bob%2C%20and%20Eva%20are%20%242000%2C%20%243000%20and%20%243500%20respectively.&model=en_core_web_lg&cpu=1&cph=1

