HQL unexpected token “(” subquery select

五迷三道 提交于 2021-02-11 13:50:21


I have this query. Translate it from my sql query to hql. I have this error "unexpected token: ( near line 2, column"

String query = "SELECT MAX(number)\n" +
        "  FROM (SELECT number FROM EmployeeTripCard \n" +
        "        WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM issueDate) = '2015'\n" +
        "        UNION ALL\n" +
        "        SELECT trip_card_number FROM PostgraduateTripCard\n" +
        "        WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM issueDate) = '2015'\n" +
        "        UNION ALL\n" +
        "        SELECT trip_card_number FROM StudentTripCard \n" +
        "        WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM issueDate) = '2015'\n" +
        "        )";

Integer result = (Integer) getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(query).uniqueResult();

I don't underastand what'w wrong


My bad Vytsalo, didnt look at the databse tag. HQL subqueries is not supported on from clauses

Note that HQL subqueries can occur only in the select or where clauses:Hibernate Query Language

