How to run django's “python runserver” , celery's “celery -A app_name worker -l info” and redis-server in one command

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-02-11 13:42:10


I have recently started with django. And I started doing a small project. I've been using celery with redis worker. And every to use celery and redis I have to run the celery and redis server and then django server. Which is a bit lengthy process. I have two questions. 1. Am I doing the right thing by running the servers everytime or are there any other right method to this process? 2. If I'm in the right direction, is there any method to do this?

I tried circus.ini , but it did not work.


If you use UNIX system:

  1. For this purpose you can get along just with bash. Just run celery and redis in background - use & command.
redis-server & celery -A app_name worker -l info & python runserver

Disadvantage of this approach - redis and celery will work in the background even after a shutdown of django dev server. So you need to terminate these processes. See this unix se answer for examples how to do that.

So you can create 2 bash scripts (contains commands with &) and (terminate processes) and run them respectively.

For production see purpose #2

  1. Use systemd or supervisor. You need to create conf files for your daemons and then run them.

